Sunday, June 12

Hurricane Ivan slideshow

Friends of Cayman is a terrific idea for a website that a friend just pointed me to.

On the website is a slideshow of Cayman pictures, plus a variety of organisations to contact if anybody wants to help with recovery efforts.

Looking at these makes me realise quite how far we have come in these few months.

If you are interested in how we handled things at The Reef, I have kept our newsletter up on our website here . I've left those updates "warts and all", so you can see how things changed as time passed. Even with our experience in project management and development, we too initially underestimated how long it would take to recover. We also have our own pictures linked on the left side of this section of the website.

In response to some comments, I am going to try to get new shots of The Reef done, but really need a pro to do this, and in reality it looks just as it did before Ivan, so the current shots on the website are fine... except of course for the beach bar, which I do need to take some shots of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the Friends of
Cayman website.
We are very pleased with the number of websites that have added our link. Many folks had no idea what Cayman went thru and we put an edit version of Christy McKenzie's . " HURRICANE IVAN", and now we have a 12min DVD, " A CALL FOR HELP". The Friends web site offers the new mini DVD for a free-view of Ivan.
We encourage evryone to think ahead,planm and prepare for the worse.
Tom Comfort