Tuesday, June 14

Castaways' Cove progress report

This past weekend someone requested an update on the progress of development at Phase II Castaways' Cove, and, lo and behold, this morning Lyall Watt told me that he had updated the website, including progress report photos here

As resort developers, we do have an odd situation at Castaways'. The normal rule is "build only as fast as you can sell", but in this case demand has outstripped our ability to supply. Phase II was sold out before we even got started building it, and now Phase III is selling fast, so we'll start building that too quite soon, but it will take us a few months to mobilise everything there. Still, high demand is a nice problem to have !

As you can see from the latest photos, the "first floor slab" that has just been poured is pretty high off the ground. What are we going to do with all that basement space ? Well, as The Reef grows, we need to add more facilities, so this basement will include two meeting/conference rooms, as well as a new gym and studio.

With these facilities, we'll move into the corporate retreat and meetings business, which is another exciting addition to our repertoire. Never a dull moment !


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "studio" in the basement?

Anonymous said...

Is the gym only available to those in Castaways and not The Reef?

Anonymous said...

Mmm... better storm surge defense too! (at least for the condos...)

TomCayman said...

Replies :
- The "studio" will be an aerobics/yoga studio
- The gym and studio will be available to guests at The Reef Resort, which includes Castaways Cove.
- As regards storm surge defence, I would note that Castaways Cove condos Phase I took no storm surge damage due to their height above sea level and reef protection... and Phase II is even higher up !