Sunday, July 17

Emily 5am Update

Set my alarm to check around the house at 5am EDT (4am Cayman Time).

In short.... no worries right now.

There has been a surprisingly low amount of rain (as judged by water in the parking lot), probably just 2-3". We are expecting a lot more rain from the tail of the storm, but, based on what I see outside, it won't be enough to cause any flooding beyond what low-lying areas might get with any rainy weekend (ie no storm surge breaching land in this location).

Winds have not been too bad (well, I had no difficulty sleeping). Again just a guess, but outside right now I would say about 40mph, gusting stronger.

Right now we have just passed the closest point of approach, and the 5am EDT co-ordinate had the storm at 97.8 miles away from us.... so it missed us. We are now therefore into the tail of the storm, so will have a few hours of Southerly winds and rain remaining, but the winds should not get any stronger from this point on.


Anonymous said...

GREAT news Tom....THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for update and good news!

Peter said...

Every time a hurricane crosses the caribbean, I ignore the weather channels, temperature profiles, wind velocities, etc.
... and head off to Tom's Blog.

Many thanks :^)

TomCayman said...

Lee, that's why Gert set up the network.

Did you also notice how please the Weather Channel always seem to be whenever a storm looks like being really bad. For those living in the islands, we are not just statistics for meteorologists, we are people with real lives, homes, friends and families (grr!)

He and his family made it in today, sun is shining and the shutters are down now.

Planning a StormCarib get together at Barefoot Man's show on Thursday night.