Tuesday, April 4

Sports Day

Just keeping you in touch with what is going on in the community. Over the past month the different primary schools have been having their "sports day". Many parents take off an hour or two, or even the full day, to go watch their child "compete" within their school. Granted, everyone sees it more as fun than competition though!! The above photos were taken at the North Side Primary School Sports Day, which was held at The Truman Bodden Sports Complex in George Town. It was a great event, activities ranging from bean bag races, to 800 metre races!! Exciting to say the least!! This week the "Inter-School Sports Day" is being held. This is where the top winners of the different primary schools compete with each other, I guess you could call this "Nationals!! " In any event, it was a fun day for the kids, a nice break before their exams!!.

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