I'm not really a royalist, but many people in Cayman are very loyal to the Monarchy, and of course to the "mother country". These days Cayman is called an "Overseas Territory", and we still have close ties to the UK, what with having a Governor, and (crucially for investor confidence) control over the judiciary and the police force resting with the UK.
Anyway, we have a Monday holiday, but I don't think many people in Cayman know what it is all about. We have a tiny little parade (after all, we are a tiny little place, only 45,000 people) over the weekend, but I thought some readers might be interested in referring back to the pomp and circumstance that is the real parade, known as Trooping the Colour (that is colour with a "u", we spell in English down here too, not American :) )
If you ever get the chance to see this parade in person, or even on TV, it is most impressive. The part of the British Army that is involved is known as the Household Cavalry, so we get to see many mounted horsemen with the smartest dress uniforms you are ever likely to see. And as for precision drilling, well, these guys are hard to beat.
Now that is tradition for you !
As for me, I had a quiet day at home with the kids, isn't that what holidays are about ? !

Finally, some inside info about the Island :^)
Many thanks for your Cayman Blog !!
P.S. To excite our friends, I've stuck some stuff here
... but it's infinitely better to hear about the Island from an "insider" !!
To Peter(?), Kevin & Sharon - the resort pic you have on your site is inaccurate. You are showing the 2 level building as Castaways Cove which it is not, that building is part of The Reef. Castaways is located to the North of the administration building. Thought you'd want to know.
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