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Melissa moves on
Many of our owners and guests will have got to know Melissa over the course of her several years with us at The Reef. Her quirky smile at the Front Desk and "can do" attitude made her a key part of our team....but things change, and Melissa has now moved to the other end of the island, back to her roots in deepest West Bay, to work at Cobalt Coast.
We wish Melissa all the best, and if any of you are visiting that corner of "The Republic" of West Bay, do pop in and say hi !
Sorry to see Melissa move on - we will miss her smile and her most accomodating nature - a loss for The Reef - too bad but we wish her all the very best!
I am sure that ALL who have come into any kind of contact with Melissa will never feel the same whenever the visit The Reef again... she was more than an employee... she was everyone's best friend and personal assistant! There was NEVER any situation she couldnt handle or any task she wouldnt go all out to solve! We will certainly miss her beautiful smile and excellent personality as well as her professional attitude to her job!
It is always a sad day when a perfect employee moves onto greater things in life.. there will be no sadder day in my life than today as I am not just now learning that Melissa is not on vacation ( this is what I was informed when I visited The Reef last week ) but actually gone. The word gone seems so final.. but thats what leaving is.. final. Melissa my family and I will always cherish the memories we have of your wonderful personality and the good times you have showed us!
As I noted, Melissa has moved on to Cobalt Coast resort, a nice smaller resort where her ability to turn her hand to anything will work better for her than at The Reef, where we are rapidly expanding from 60 to 88 to an eventual 166 suites.
I am happy to hear that Melissa has moved onto another, if even smaller, Resort. She has wonderful work ideas and a great personality and is sure to be a positive asset to her new employer as she was "The Lobby" at The Reef! My entire family wish her the absolute best in the future although we hope that one of the many times we will visit The Reef she will be there visiting her all of the friends I am sure she still has there!
Dennis and crew!
WHAT!! Who in Godsgreen world would let her slip through the front door of "her lobby"? Well... I suppose everyone has to grow. I will miss her terribly but wish her all the best in the world!
Wow, a lot of comments here.. I'll let Melissa know :) Seriously though, sometimes it is time for a change, and we did make sure to give Melissa an excellent reference with my friend Arie at Cobalt Coast.
Good luck to you Melissa!
I will miss you alot but I definately understand the need to further your experiences in different work environments! Enjoy yourself and continue with your positive attitude to life and you will do perfectly fine!
Nancy, Susan and Louise
Wow! It was sad to hear that Melissa had moved on ( although I know she will be fantastic wherever she goes!) but it was even sadder to see that Linera had been put in the position all on her own! What a downslide - not saying that she cant manage alone! Linera and Melissa were an unbeatable team and one is no better than the other! - its just sad that she has to work those long hours by herself! But they say " Good help is hard to find". I wish the Reef luck in finding someone to class next to that team!
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