Tuesday, October 16

The Reef - Entertainment Schedule to help you plan ahead

About our most frequently asked questions by folk planning a visit to The Reef revolve around our popular entertainers, as in "will Barefoot Man / Andrew Bacon / Lammie be playing when we visit".

We've started to make lots of changes and add much more information to our website, and a cool new addition is our Entertainment page, which now has a calendar showing performances for each entertainer from now through April 2008.

One small caution is that although we will try to keep this updated, entertainers do occasionally have to cancel their "gigs" on short notice for one reason or another, so although we have told each guy that they have to stick to these schedules, we can't promise total 100% accuracy !

Oh...and as we are making lots of enhancements to our website, please do fire away with any comments on on what you'd like to see on The Reef's website....

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