Sunday, June 24

Facebook.....the latest internet addiction

I'll normally an "early adopter" of stuff on the internet, but I guess I can be forgiven for not discovering Facebook until this week... after all, it was originally college kids only, although now rapidly being adopted by crumbly and aged people like me !

The Cayman Islands network on Facebook has over 2,000 (and quickly increasing) members, not bad for a country of 55,000 people.... although some of those are people who used to live in Cayman, but still feel an affiliation.

Apparently it used to be used mostly for colleges kids wanting to "hook up' (oh these kids euphemisms... I feel old...again!), but now it's set up to keep in touch with and catch up with current and past friends and work colleagues too.

Try it.... and maybe a group for The Reef might be on the cards :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tom, how about creating a Royal Reef group on Facebook?