Wednesday, January 3

Wikitravel - edit the East End Grand Cayman page

In playing with Google Earth (see last post), I noticed that the Wikipedia entries for Grand Cayman are a little sparse, and there was no page at all for East End (ouch!)

So, I started one off, but it is a little sparse. How about some blog readers and East End / Grand Cayman afficianados and experts updating the East End page now I've got it started ?

Oops... edited... a moderator wiped out my page in under 15 minutes... apparently it didn't read like an encyclopedia and could have been edited in a less than neutral fashion (imagine, it might have been edited by folk who actually like Cayman and want to encourage others to visit ! :) )

Anyway, haven't started one yet, but how about someone gets started with editing the WikiTravel page for Grand Cayman, and again, maybe adding one under that for East End ? I'm guessing WikiTravel is slightly less concerned about seeming neutral, and actually wouldn't mind if someone describes the area of East End as "tranquil and unspoiled" (for example).

Ah, the wonders of the internet !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I far prefer to use and promote the pages - far more up to date and live links to everything including this blog which is how I found you.