See the pictures of Carl's house before he visited The Reef:

Now look at the results after Carl's stay here at The Reef:

The results do not lie. The inches of snow magically disappear after just one visit!
Now, you might be asking yourself, How is this physically and scientifically possible? How can the Reef affect weather conditions? Well the secret is in our Glycemic weather index that melts snow and increases sunshine to your neighborhood after just a few short days here at The Reef.
So call 1-888-232-0541 for more info. What do you have to lose!!!
Offer not valid on days that end in the letter Y. Also, offer is totally fictional as The Reef nor any person on the planet can possibly change the weather. If we could, we probably wouldn't announce it on a blog.
hey Carl.....sorry we missed you two AGAIN this year...and BEAUTIFUL home! I'm one who DOES believe the before and after Cayman photos just have to stay longer than a week...sounds like a plan to us!
We're going back for two weeks at the end of April because a week definitely wasn't long enough.
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