Whilst Cayman has had a very nice two screen cinema for many years, complete with the Caribbean cinema tradition of cranking up the a/c so you need to dress like an Arctic explorer, it comes as very welcome news that in November this year we will be getting a brand new 6 screen, 900 seat multiplex.
This is just the start of the public facilities to come at the huge new Camana Bay development inland from Seven Mile Beach.

Took a quick look at their website, which should be taught in school as "how to have a website that is all style and no substance", but trust me, they have aleady poured a huge amount of money into this project, and it is visible from space (or at least Google Maps)
**nuts, tried to set up a link to a Google Maps placeholder going to Camana Bay, if anyone can help me with that, please comment**
... (if anyone helps me with the link I'll edit this so you can....) click on that link to see the moonscape... the satellite photo is a bit old, a lot of that space is now filled in with offices and other buildings).
Anyway, whilst out in the East End we can still remember (and resemble) when Cayman was known as the "Islands that time forgot", the development on Seven Mile Beach means that for much of Cayman that is no longer the case.... but I like the idea of a new cinema, I love movies !

Well, we still have East End! ... and Cayman Brac / Little Cayman if you really want to be forgotten by time!
all of those things just make me happier that we found the peaceful, quiet and beautiful Reef Resort on the East End....thank God!
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