This is a lovely and ongoing story (see blog Jan 6, 2006) that illustrates why so many of our repeat guests and owners feel that they are "family" at The Reef.
The lovely little girl in the picture is called Cayman Rose, and yes, she was named that after her parents love for Cayman.
After their visit this spring, Cayman Rose's proud Dad sent this picture down for us to give to our gardener, Miss Sheila (pictured), along with this message (edited only to remove family names) :
To: Sheila, Cayman Rose wants to thank you from bottom of her little pretty heart for the special flowers you gave her each morning during her stay. She learned to say “They are so beautiful”. Everyone at The Reef makes our whole family feel so at home. We are so fortunate to be owners of “The Reef”. Thank you again Sheila, you are so sweet. CaymanRose's Dad
1 comment:
Hi Tom, I don't have your email on my phone but I can get to the blog. I may head down there for some RandR next week. Any rain in the forecast?
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