We have reduced the flat connection fee for calling toll free call card numbers from your suite - down from US$3 to US$1 flat fee.
The Thirsty Surfer will be selling $10.00 and $20.00 calling cards.
Now you can use these cards from the comfort of your own beachfront suite, for just a dollar.

This might come as a surprise in the light of today's news that the cost of living in Cayman has increased by an average of 7 percent in 2005...
These figures are reported in the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) and it's thought that major contributors to this rise are increases in the housing sector, as a result of higher rental and insurance premiums.
The following information on the CPI is taken from today's Cayman Net News:
In 2005, Cayman's annual average index rose in six of the eight major groups. A high of 18.7 percent was registered in the housing group, which includes rent, maintenance, insurance and utilities.
Increases in alcohol and tobacco were second with 5.2 percent, followed by transport and communication, 3.9 percent; food, 2.8 percent; and personal goods and services, 2.6 percent. The lowest rise of 2.2 percent was in the education and medical group.
The two groups that showed a decline in 2005 were clothing, by 2.3 percent; and household equipment, by 2.2 percent.
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