Calm seas and cool waters held strong temptation for the boys today.
As Captain Joey and Super Dave of Ecoventures tested out the brand new 'Star' inflatables (now available for hire from the Ecoventures beach hut along with inflatable windsurfs and 2-man-kayaks), a group of our guests, not to be outdone in the fun-stakes, gathered in the pool for a hearty game of volleyball.
We are careful to maintain the peace and quiet that our guests are used to but now offer variety for those who feel like a touch of adventure every now and again.
We've now seen the last few remaining grey clouds of Wilma and the start of a week filled with sunshine and relaxation for all.
That's too bad.
Two of the things that set The Reef apart was the quiet and the safe snorkeling off the beach - with outboard motors running all around I fear that both of those will be a thing of the past - :(
I am not too happy to see the new rental "boats". How can you control where guests use them to avoid snorkeling areas? Kayaks are great, but anything with a motor seems to smack in the face of the unique quiet aspect of the Reef Resort, and the safety within the reef. :(
Thank you for the explanation and details. My apology for jumping to incorrect conclusions.
Mine was the first comment not the second - it's not so much that you need anyone's blessing to do something - you don't. Like many decisions there will aways be those in favour and those against - perhaps I'm a bit of a whiner or doom sayer - I try not to be but...
First I'd like to thank you for your explanation and in kind I'd like to share an explanation of for my previous post, perhaps by doing so you may be able to provide additional insight:
I must admit the original blog entry conjured up images of jet skis and their accompanying high pitched whine.
The second image relates to the fact that propellers and snorkeling don't mix as evidenced by the accident off of SMB earlier this year.
While designated areas are fine and well I think it's a given that there will always be people that don't comprehend what that means.
Further, in my experience what this (designated areas) usually translates into is that the swimmer's area is the one that's restricted NOT the boats. What gets strung out into the water are floating buoy lines to designate the swimming area.
IMHO one of the outstanding features of The Reef is just that - the reef. I tend to snorkel out to the reef and spend as much as an hour or two a day out there without having to be tethered to a floating dive marker. When they visit, our kids and friends do much the same. Perhaps I've been spoiled, perhaps I'm too resistant to change.
It's unrealistic for me to expect that what I want is what everyone else will want as well but at least this gives a forum to express what The Reef has meant to me and my family thus far.
BTW I do recognize that the sky is not falling.
The tiny engines on the back of the boats are so quiet that you can barely hear them. As a matter of fact, the waverunners from Morritt's create more than enough noise pollution for both resorts. Ecoventures has an excellent understanding of the tranquility of the Reef and would never introduce noisy equipment. I think it's great! It offers guests with health issues/disabilities a way to do a little exploring without having to kayak. Also, those guests that do not want to take part in a somewhat strenuous adventure (kayaks) on their vacation, now have an alternative.
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